Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some Figure Drawings

Just some recent studies from figure drawing sessions.


Unknown said...

oh how the first piece i love ..i love your work

Unknown said...

love the lady also in the middle reminds me of my self.. for sure , i would so love to own this lady photo and the first one i commented on , i love this onw so alot , it really does remind me of myslef when i first started out in photography and had to do figure drawing class and volunterred to get naked and pose for the class it was so very hard to do , but actually very much liberating when i got to see how others see me , and a few of them gave the pieces to me but I lost all my work from when i started my journey in art until 8 years ago in a house fire that took every thing from me down to my sock and shoes and identification but it did not take mmy life for which i am very greatful now so now you maybe can understand why i like to have certain pieces , but from people who just normal like me , kindest regards
georgia stewart
from ohio
ps there are videos on my house fire on my you tube channel i am telling the truth