I've been watching season one of 30 Rock using my Netflix "Watch it Now" privileges. It's been fantastic! Granted, they don't have a very wide selection of content, but there are some hidden gems. I highly recommend an indie film called "One Last Thing". The movie description doesn't do the film justice, but read through some of the member reviews. It was a very good film, and not at all what you'd expect from the movie description. It is thoughtful, engaging, and an emotional ride.
Also on the movie front, I took the entire family to see Ratatouille at the dollar theater yesterday. We actually took up an entire row! The movie is fantastic, and delivered a wonderful story and great animation. Abbie commented that the rats in the movie could cook, but the rats in our kitchen couldn't.
grrr... rats.
Dude, you have rats?! Nasty. Heidi wouldn't allow us to live in a place that had so much as a friendly mouse.
I love Pixar and all that they do. Even A Bug's Life (which is their worst flick) stands up better than most other animated flicks of the last 10-15 years. The noteable one that surpasses almost all of Pixar's movies would be Iron Giant. Considering my other favorite cartoon is The Incredibles I'd have to say Brad Bird and I would get along. Well, with exception to his whole "guns are bad" stance.
Well, we have a yearly rat problem, then they go away until next season...our apartment isn't put together very well, to put it mildly.
brian, "you don't have to be a gun"
Hey maybe I wanna be a gun every once in a while!
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