All images property of Electronic Arts.

These stadiums were painted for Madden NFL 09 intro screens. We did a day and a night version for each stadium. Unfortunately, I didn't get to do the night one for the Cardinals, which is one of my favorites because it looks like a UFO. These images are more like matte paintings in that elements of photos were used, but there was also a good deal of painting into them. We started with a 3D render of the stadium as a guide. The parking lot and street had to be in the same location.
If you fire up the game and watch the intro, there is actually a camera move, which was done by projecting our paintings onto geometry to get realistic
parallaxing. I think they turned out pretty nice, considering we only intended for them to be static 2D images to begin with...
These took 3 days each. The Colts stadium was particularly interesting because it was not completed when I had to do the painting. I used whatever reference of the building plans I could find on the internet, so it may not be 100% accurate.
I got a lot better at painting windows by the end of the 32-stadium project (64 paintings), even though I only did 13 of them.