Sunday, October 14, 2007


It happens with every pregnancy. Mind you, I'm not the one puking, although it can be contagious. More amusing is the attitude of our kids when Alissa is puking her guts out in the morning.

Abbie: "Is mom throwing up?". Goes and checks. "Yup, she is throwing up! Is it green? Mine was green when I was sick and threw up."

Anna: "I wanna watch!"

Miles: "gah! hya ma gupp ada!"

Worse than the throwing up is the complaining. Yes, I know you don't feel well. I don't really need to be reminded 10 times a day. I ask what I can do to help, she says "nothing". Really, I just want to stop hearing about it... Maybe I should just get her a Tshirt that says "I am Pregnant and Sick and feel awful" so she wouldn't feel like she has to remind me.

I guess I'm complaining too. I have sympathy, but really we both knew what happens during pregnancy. No, I'm not a cruel husband. I just want my wife barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen, is that so much to ask?


Alissa said...

i guess what i should say, when you ask if you can help is:

yes, please go clean the kitchen, change the poopy diaper, vacuum, and then get me a fountain coke from mcdonalds... is that what you'd rather i say?

Brian said...

That would actually be a better answer truth be told. Heidi never had a problem letting me know what she needed from me. Maybe I couldn't do it all but I sure tried. Then again she never actually threw up, just felt like she was going to...

Alissa said...

unfortunately, the likelihood of getting matt to ACTUALLY DO THOSE THINGS, makes it not worth the effort to say the words.

m3ng said...

You make me sound evil. I do those things! ... sometimes

Mr Jo Bloggity said...

Matt, I feel your pain.

dastew said...

Matt you are evil we've known that for ages.

dastew said...

Oh and I should add when we have kids Carolyn won't get sick...just cause we'll be the exception.